Address on the Twenty-third Anniversary of the United Nations Organization on Oct. 1, 1968


    Whereas, we shall have this day to celebrate in tandem with the global celebration of the twenty-third anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Organization, as it used to be celebrated in Ethiopia annually. Considering that the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization has resolved for celebration of the period between January 1968 to December 1968, under an international annual theme of Human Rights International Year; and our government has as well issued an order to this effect; and we hereby celebrate such a double holiday on this day of the United Nations Organization. The objective of the United Nations Organization and the functions, as it is declared in time, is to protect world peace, and engage towards improvement of the livelihood of all mankind, and thereby reinforcing the organization. 

    On such double themed holiday, We would like to inform particularly Our people about human rights. We observe from studying the history of mankind that despite all the challenges that mankind has faced and endured, mankind has resiliently managed to get through it. There are times that mankind also studied and evaluated the implementation of some agendas that have been set up to lead the way in certain time, among the fiery engagements that are of immediate concern.

    The resolution of the United Nations Organization to celebrate the Global Year of Human Rights is also similar to such certain time in the history of mankind, according to the Gregorian calendar. Looking at the background of the history of mankind, we find discourses describing the efforts exerted by mankind to uphold human rights. We observe in history that the things defined as, “granted rights” are as categorized as the ideology and attitude of the respective period.

    However, the rationale behind human rights can be claimed to have been reinforced more than ever, when it was stated in the Declaration of Human Rights as enacted twenty years ago. Although it has been twenty years since the declaration made by the General Assembly of the United Nations, how many of these rights are really upheld nowadays, and can we claim that they are indiscriminately promoted?

    The oppression and segregation by color conducted in South Africa, and the criminal abuse committed by that illegal government against minority races, the assassination of Martin Luther King and Senator Kennedy; all these sanctify the objectives and efforts of those who fight for the promotion of human rights around the world, and compel them to double their resilience.

    The fundamental concepts behind the declaration of human rights is that the person is granted an inalienable human dignity, and that mankind is created in the image of God; it is founded in understanding and acknowledging the same. The global community is better aware now that all mankind is a family of one. And noting this, we understand that the fundamental unity of mankind develops and grows only when it is based on freedom, fairness and global peace. We all know that human rights are intertwined with fundamental rights.

    As such, promotion of such right and freedoms through legal approaches provides a platform to express the paramount desire of every person and mankind in general. Member states of the United Nations Organization have repeatedly given their words to support the protection of the rights of mankind, the fundamental freedoms. And this trust is included in the charter of the organization, containing one of the fundamental ideals expressed therein. Freedom, without rights, is nothing for the existing mankind. Upholding of such rights and heritages of mankind, the freedom, will create a spirit of understanding and declaration of the true meaning and purpose among the people.

    Accordingly, We have taken the necessary measures, upon resolving that the period between January 1, 1968 and December 31, 1968 shall be celebrated as the Global Year of Human Rights. The concerned government offices and other entities relevant to the resolution are instructed to organize and execute the necessary program. In consideration of the challenges of the time we live in to promote human rights, we shall commemorate and support the paramount people like Martin Luther King who have lost their lives in their effort for equality of mankind and the organizations that are toiling to this end.

    In order that those standing against human rights be aware that their interest shall be in effect only when the human rights and fundamental freedoms in general are promoted; we should not fail from taking the opportunity to express and press further this time. Since men are created adorned with the grace of God and are free as well as equal; people around the world should live in a spirit of brotherhood. People are equal before the law regardless of their color, race, ethnicity, language, religion, and gender; and they should not be equated against each other.

    The human rights, fundamental freedoms stated here could be claimed to be corner stones of the constitution of Our Empire. Foremost, the constitution that is discretionally bestowed to Our people is founded on the freedom of human rights. The revised constitution, being not far from the standing foundations of the preceding constitution, does stipulate the human rights and fundamental rights of the Ethiopian people with further detail and strength. Promotion of fundamental rights and freedoms is not merely a mandate of the courts, it is also the function and responsibility of Us as the monarch; as presented in the Revised Ethiopian Constitution.

    As such, the theme of the Global Year of Human Rights will be Our testament for Our efforts in advocating for the fundamental freedoms to be celebrated around the world. To toil for the sacred objective of promoting human rights is not strange for Ethiopian people. Human rights existed upright among the people of Ethiopia as weft and warp with its preserved freedom. Beloved fellow people, We believe that you will celebrate the holiday with the understanding of these rights, such delicate heritages of humankind, promoting enforcements of such, and following and attending different programs planned for the Global Year of Human Rights.

    It is Our prayer to the Almighty God on this day for further reinforcement of the United nations Organization, for amicable and tolerable resolution of the periodic disagreements and conflicts between governments, for entrenchment of consistent peace in the world upon abolition of conflicts, violence and warfare, for indiscriminate promotion of human rights, for security of safety of mankind, for improvements of livelihood and attainment of true equality.

(Translated by Dawit Hailu)


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