Emperor Haile Selassie I's Speech to the Ogaden

His Imperial Majesty's Speech to the Ogaden delivered at Gabredarre, in the Ogaden, August 25, 1956*

    Our beloved son, the Duke of Harar, who has long been our Governor-General of the Ogaden, has already informed you of our keen interest, and of our long-range programme for the development of the Ogaden. You are already aware that it has always been our constant desire not only to come again to this great region of the Empire, but also to see for ourselves your difficulties, and in accordance with our promise, to have them alleviated.

    We seize this opportunity to remember those gallant sons of the Ogaden who shed their blood with their brothers in the trying period of 1935, for the freedom of their country and for the honour of their Emperor. 

    Although it was their patriotic duty, we wish to commend those police posted in the Ogaden, who, in execution of our orders, left their homes and the comforts of life, and who always have unfailingly performed their duty with patience, for the maintenance of the security and public order of this area. 

    We have seen the elimination of the spirit of strangeness which you formerly had with one another, and instead, as Ogaden is but one of the integral parts of Ethiopia, our police live happily with you. You are now linked with them in fraternity, in mutual confidence, and in brotherly love. Inter-marriage has followed, and has cemented your unity. Our police whom we have sent among you have come to assist you in keeping order and security for the benefit and development of the people of the Ogaden.

    You all remember that, after we regained our independence, by the Grace of God, and restored to Ethiopia her rightful dignity, we consented to a temporary British Military Administration of this region for the duration of the war, as a gesture and sign of our appreciation to our military allies who assisted us devotedly in our struggle for independence. It is now eight years since British Military Administration came to an end in the Ogaden, and our administration was resumed. 

Laying the foundation of a new school for Gabredarre

    Because the region was first under enemy occupation, and later under British Military Administration, the development programmes that we had wished for the betterment of the life of our well-loved people of the Ogaden were long delayed. My beloved father, His Highness Ras Makonnen, long kept your boundaries respected by your neighbours, and administered the region justly. He was constantly concerned for your well-being and your security, and we know that the people of the Ogaden will never forget their great indebtedness to him. 

    Upon the restoration of our Administration in the Ogaden, we despatched various experts to study the problems faced by the people of the Ogaden, and to find ways and means for the development of the region and the improvement of living conditions for the people. On the basis of these studies: 

    We have, in the first place, given orders for the establishment of schools in the various districts, whereby your children will be educated so as to help their country, themselves and their parents. It is our desire that these schools will not only impart education, but also will foster understanding and cooperation among the military, the police and the civilian population. 

    Secondly, in order to improve the health of the population and control disease, we have given orders for the establishment of hospitals and clinics in the various districts of the province. 

Somali notables assemble to greet the Emperor

    In the third place, realising your difficulties due to the shortage of water, we have given instructions for the drilling of wells in appropriate places, in addition to those already available for your use and for the use of your cattle. For the execution of the above projects, we have given orders that eight million dollars be appropriated from the treasury. You should appreciate that despite the fact that so far no tax has been collected from the Ogaden, we have ordered the appropriation of the above amount of money for the development and improvement of the standard of living of the people of the Ogaden. The Duke of Harar will supervise and execute the above projects, and the appropriate instructions have also been given to the Ministries concerned. To assist the Duke of Harar, we have appointed Brigadier-General Kebbeda Gabré, and Kegnazmach Hailemariam Gazmu to supervise the construction and control the expenditure for the projects.

    We have, to-day, seen and experienced the fulfillment of our long-cherished but delayed plan to initiate this programme which posterity will long remember. The living conditions of the people of the Ogaden will be greatly improved by the programme. 

The men's dance, at a fantasia of greeting for the Emperor

    Even though Ethiopia is inhabited by various peoples, it is a free country, and her peoples, without distinction of race or religion, live as a happy family under one law and one Emperor. It is imperative for you, the people of the Province of the Ogaden who form part of the great family of the Empire of Ethiopia, to acquire the necessary education whereby you will be able to take over the various positions and responsibilities that await you in the Central Government Administration. Difference in language often creates misunderstanding, and can seriously affect the responsibilities that are being bestowed on you. Lack of knowledge of the national language will be a barrier for the education we have in mind for you. In addition to your national language, it is necessary for you to acquire knowledge of a foreign language, for in this way you will not only acquire the basic education, but also will be able to attain the University standard. It is imperative that you encourage your children in the acquisition of education. It is exceedingly difficult for you to fulfill your duties as members of Parliament through interpreters. We have opened the door to education, and it is your duty to use that education. If, through idleness, you do not avail yourselves of this opportunity, you will have condemned yourselves to ignorance.

Somali dejazmatch gives an affectionate greeting:
photograph taken in the shade of the Emperor's plane

    Everyone is proud of the greatness of Ethiopia's history, and aware of her wide territorial limits. But today the population of our Empire is estimated at only twenty million people. In the study of the possible development of our natural waters, including our great possessions at the Ports of Massawa and Assab, we are proceeding to harness them for the prosperity of the country and the welfare of our people. The development of one of those large waters would certainly be most beneficial to the Ogaden. Once our country develops its industry, it will render itself self-sufficient, and we do not doubt but that it will be of great importance to other countries of the world. Our country, our unity, and the realization of our plans demand your co-operation and assistance. 

    As a people grows and develops, it becomes more conscious of the honour and benefits of its freedom, and so also as its education develops and it assimilates greater knowledge, it recognises the dangers of disunion. You people of Ogaden, you have a natural intelligence, it is a fact that you are proud of your freedom and your nation. This natural gift of intelligence will, however, be more valuable when it is refined by education. So the schools which we establish will benefit not only your children but you also. In accordance with our proclamation for basic education, you will now have a good chance to learn to read and write Amharic, which we recommend you to do. The necessary school equipment and supplies are at hand. Your efforts in learning what is stated above will simplify the accomplishment of your government duty.

Part of the Emperor's audience in the Ogaden

    The functions you are taking up in the military and police forces will enable you to have a better administration and better guarantees of your civil rights. You, Notables, Sheiks and Elders, are being entrusted with the Government's confidence and duty, so that you may serve us and the people loyally and faithfully. We are pleased to appoint from among you, District Governors and Sub-Governors in the various areas, additional to the existing officials. We are pleased to award decorations and medals to the Notables and Elders who loyally served their country, Ethiopia, during the war of 1935. For those who have faithfully served the Government in time of war and in time of peace, we have ordered the grant of titles and honorific robes. We have approved the necessary budget in order to meet the expenses resulting from the increment of salaries for the Notables, Sheiks, and Elders, who in the past have held salaried appointments. At the same time, we have given the necessary instructions to grant salaries to the newly employed according to their rank.

Emperor Haile Sellassie takes the salute at an inspection
of the police trained in Dire Dawa for service in the Ogaden

    We remind you, finally, that all of you are by race, colour, blood, and custom, members of the great Ethiopian family. Although there may be local dialects, we must always strive to preserve our unity and our freedom. We can achieve this only by close co-operation and unified effort, and by struggling firmly against all propaganda trying to break Ethiopian unity and violate her freedom. It is inimical but easy to spread irresponsible news, trying to induce people to betray their country and step outside the path of truth and love of their country. It is to assume a great responsibility to give useful and sound advice and guidance to any intelligent observer who is willing to listen and profit. Such advice and guidance constitute a real source of life, because they reveal the path of truth and preserve the hearer on earth and in heaven. Even as every individual has the duty to sacrifice his life for his country, so also he must defend himself against subversive news and propaganda. You must not believe those who, being unable to think clearly or to achieve their ambitions, try to break the unity of the country with malicious news, in order to obtain temporary personal benefits. As an example, you all remember Olol Dinle, who betrayed you to the enemy for advantages he could not carry with him to the other world. Remember always that unity is strength, while disunity provides a good target for the enemy. The people of ex-Italian Somaliland are to achieve independence in the near future. We are confident that they will also remember that unity is strength, even as the Eritreans recognised that unity is strength. Not only they but the whole world recognise that we are united by race, colour, economics, and that we all drink from the same great river.

The women's dance of welcome : Photo taken during the
Emperor's recent visit to the Ogaden

    Some time ago, incidents occurred among the Issas tribes. We took the necessary measures so that security should be restored and similar incidents not be repeated. It is the duty of our Government to reward the deserving, to punish the guilty, and to establish security. Our constant aim is security, prosperity and development for our people. That is why we take so much interest in their health and their education. As to the rumours of a greater Somalia, we consider that all the Somali peoples are economically linked with all Ethiopia, and, therefore, we do not believe that such a state can be viable standing alone, separated from Ethiopia. We will speak of this more fully when the proper time comes. We place our trust in the help of the Almighty in achieving the great programme we are now initiating for the development of our Empire and the prosperity of our people.

*(The speech was originally published in the Ethiopia Observer December 1956 issue Vol. I No. 1 pp. 5, 6 and 8).

Photo: Richard K. P. Pankhurst
Two Somali girls watch our photographer at work


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